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#1 NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling Author



July 26, 2011

Only Mine

Fool's Gold, Book No. 4

Eligible bachelors descend on Fool's Gold when word gets out about the man shortage!

Her town's lack of men may make headlines, but it isn't news to Dakota Hendrix. The beautiful blonde has bigger problems to deal with, such as overseeing the romance reality competition filming in Fool's Gold. Screening eligible bachelors is a difficult enough task, but Dakota hits an unexpected snag when a sexy stranger comes to town.

Finn Anderssen will do anything to keep his twin brothers—the perfect contestants—off the show. Despite Dakota's better judgment, she finds herself drawn to the mysteriousi outsider. Like her, Finn knows about heartbreak and how a family can fall apart, so she doesn't dare to hope for anything more than a fling. After all, even in the Land of Happy Endings, finding true love is never as easy as it looks on TV.

Booklist has named ONLY MINE one of the Top 10 Romances of 2011. Susan's books have been named to this prestigious list four of the past five years! "Once again, Mallery (Finding Perfect, 2010; Chasing Perfect, 2010; Almost Perfect, 2010) excels at creating varied, well-developed characters and an emotion-packed story gently infused with her trademark wit and humor."


"Spicy love scenes and heart-tugging plot twists will keep the pages turning and leave readers ready for two future Fool's Gold novels starring Dakota's sisters."

Shelf Awareness

"Susan Mallery gives us another poignant, sexy romance with some unique subplots, great sarcastic humor, and fascinating characters...ONLY MINE is a captivating story that you can't put down. It's a tale about letting go of those you love and letting them find their own way. Another great read in Mallery's Fool's Gold series."

Fresh Fiction

"An incredibly enjoyable read! Only Mine is a story of love and the importance of valuing that which matters most in life... Take a trip to Fool’s Gold and discover a wonderful town rich with love & hope."

Chick Lit Reviews

"Fool's Gold is an adorable small town where the people are friendly and are there for each other. Susan Mallery's series is a heart-warming, light, feel-good, sweet and fun contemporary romance series I'm sure all small town romance lovers will enjoy."

Ex Libris

This review is for the Fool's Gold series.

"Set in the fictitious community of Fool's Gold, Calif., Susan Mallery invites readers to a quirky little town with its equally quirky, but loveable, characters. The first book in the series, 'Chasing Perfect,' introduces an ongoing problem in town – a man shortage. But as we learn through the three books currently published (with three more titles in the series headed to bookstores in July, August and September) there is plenty of romance to be found in Fool's Gold. Escapist reading fans will appreciate that each book in the series wraps up a happily ever after for its main characters."

Raising Maine

"The conversation of the characters sparkles. It is funny and realistic, and the characters are very likeable, making readers want to know more about them. They have their problems to contend with, but manage to keep their lives interesting and fun."

Romance Reviews Today

"Only Mine is a story that touches your heart and your funny-bone at the same time... I cannot wait to see who is next in line for the series as I have fallen hard and fast for the sensational town of Fool's Gold and all of its inhabitants."

Coffee Time Romance

"I loved every minute of Only Mine and I even shed a tear or two... if you have not read a book by Susan Mallery, go pick one up! It only takes one and I promise you will find yourself picking up every book she has ever written. Susan Mallery's books are entertaining, fast reads and will leave your stomach full of butterflies. You will love them!"

Good Choice Reading

"I'm seriously in love with the [Fool's Gold] series... ONLY MINE shows us that sometimes we don’t know exactly what we’re looking for, and that miracles still do happen."

Words Are Things

5 out of 5 smirks! "ONLY MINE draws readers in with true emotion and tons of heart...a must read!"

A Snarky Space

"ONLY MINE is a story filled with with Mallerys trademark warmth, humor and love."

Under the Covers

"Mallery does it again and brings her readers something new and refreshing in this wonderful town she has created... You will laugh, cry, and love right along Dakota, Finn, and the residents of Fool’s Gold."


"Fabulous! ... While this book is part of a Fool's Gold series, it can be read as a stand alone without the need to read previous books. If you love books with HEAs and you love Mallery, this is definitely the book for you."

Nocturne Romance Reads

"I love this series... Susan Mallery has made me a contemporary romance believer!

Gone with the Words

"This was one of those books that was simply fun to read. Good drama, fun romance, and a few surprises and laughs along the way. I am looking forward to the next two books in the series."

Smitten with Reading

"Mallery is back with another stellar contemporary romance filled with passion, love and a sense of community. I love the Fool’s Gold cast of characters and was happy with these additions. I can’t want to see what is in store for us with the other Hendrix triplets. Mallery fans will not be disappointed!"

The Book Pushers

"Only Mine by Susan Mallery is a heartwarming tale that overflows with humor, close family ties and a love so sweet it will take your breath away... Fans will be enchanted with this latest installment of the Fool’s Gold series. "

The Readers Roundtable

A+! "To put it mildly, I loved Only Mine. I loved it so much that I snuck it to my desk, and when I reached the 70% mark on my Kindle, that night I kept dreaming that I had to get up and finish the book... I urge everyone else to pick up Only Mine as well. You won’t be disappointed!"

Book Lurve

"Only Mine guarantees that Mallery will continue to be one of the most successful authors in contemporary romance/women’s fiction."

The Brazen Bookworm

"Superb! ...a funny and sweet romance."

As I Turn the Pages

"I am hooked on the Fool’s Gold series... Dakota is all that I hoped she would be as a heroine—strong, vulnerable, and sunny despite some real problems. Mallery does a superb job of creating a modern young woman who is close to her family, relies on them for support, and encouragement, but has her own life and makes her own decisions."

The Romance Dish

"Susan Mallery’s books always have a perfect blend of fun and wit with romance and emotion. A suggestion; if you can’t live in Fool’s Gold, at least visit…"

Once Upon a Romance

"If you like the Lakeshore Chronicles by Susan Wiggs or the Virgin River series by Robin Carr you will love this series."

The Reading Frenzy

"Light and flirty and fun!"

Romancing the Book

"Only Mine is fabulous and everything you would expect from Susan Mallery and more... While this book is part of a Fool's Gold series, it can be read as a stand alone without the need to read previous books."

Nocturne Romance Reads

"Verdict: Fool's Gold is an adorable small town where the people are friendly and are there for each other. Susan Mallery's series is a heart-warming, light, feel-good, sweet and fun contemporary romance series I'm sure all small town romance lovers will enjoy."

Stella Ex-Libris

"ONLY MINE is a quirky, touching, sexy tale of learning to let go and move on with life. Both Dakota and Finn had tragedy in their past, but were able to finally move past their losses and into each others arms. This book both broke my heart, and put it back together all in one book. This sweet book is a must read for any contemporary romance readers or Susan Mallery fans!"

Nice Girls Don't Read Naughty Books

"Why do I love “Only Mine” and every book I’ve ever read by Susan Mallery? Her uncanny ability to create real characters normal people can identify with."

Curvy Writer

Chapter One

"What's it going to take to get you to cooperate? Money? Threats? Either works for me."

Dakota Hendrix looked up from her laptop to find a very tall, stern looking man standing over her. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. What's it going to take?"

She'd been warned there would be plenty of crazies hanging around, but she hadn't actually believed it. Apparently she'd been wrong.

"You have a lot of attitude for someone wearing a plaid flannel shirt," she said, standing so she was at least something close to eye-level with the guy. If he hadn't been so obviously annoyed, she would have thought he was pretty decent looking, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes.

He glanced down at himself, then back at her. "What does my shirt have to do with anything?"

"It's plaid."


"It's hard to be intimidated by a man wearing plaid. I'm just saying. It's a friendly pattern. A little down home for most people. Now if you were in all black, with a leather jacket, I'd be a lot more nervous."

His expression tightened, as did a muscle in his jaw. His gaze sharpened and she had a feeling that if he were just a little less civilized, he would throw something.

"Having a bad day?" she asked cheerfully.

"Something like that." He spoke between clenched teeth.

"Want to talk about it?"

"I believe that's how I started this conversation."

"No. You started by threatening me." She smiled. "At the risk of sending your annoyance level from an eight to a ten, sometimes being nice is more effective. At least it is with me." She held out her hand. "Hi. I'm Dakota Hendrix."

The man looked as if he would rather rip off her head than be polite, but after a couple of deep breaths, he shook hands with her and muttered, "Finn Andersson."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Andersson."


"Finn," she repeated, being more perky than usual, simply because she knew it would bug him. "How can I help you?"

"I want to get my brothers off the show."

"Hence the threats."

He frowned. "Hence? Who says that?"

"It's a perfectly good word."

"Not where I come from."

She glanced down at the worn work boots he wore, then back to his plaid, flannel shirt. "I'm almost afraid to ask where that is."

"South Salmon, Alaska."

"You're a long way from home."

"Worse, I'm in California."

"Hey, you're in my hometown. I'll thank you to be polite."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Fine. Whatever. You win. Can you help me with my brothers or not?"

"It depends. What's the problem?"

She motioned to the seat across from her small desk. Finn hesitated for a second, then folded his long body into a seated position. She took her chair and waited.

"They're here," he said at last, as if that explained everything.

"Here instead of back in South Salmon?"

"Here instead of finishing their last semester of college. They're twins. They go to UA. University of Alaska," he added.

"But they're over eighteen," she asked gently, feeling his pain, but knowing there was very little she could do about it.

"Meaning I don't have any legal authority?" he asked, sounding both resigned and bitter. "Tell me about it." He leaned toward her, his gaze intense. "I need your help. Like I said, they're one semester from graduating, and they walked away from that to come here."

Dakota had grown up in the town of Fool's Gold and had chosen to return here after she'd finished her schooling, so she didn't understand why anyone wouldn't want to live in town. But she would guess Finn was a lot more worried about his brother's future than their location.

He stood. "Why am I even talking to you? You're one of those Hollywood types. You're probably happy they've given up everything to be on your stupid show."

She rose, as well, then shook her head. "First of all, it's not my stupid show. I'm with the town, not the production company. Second, if you'll give me a second to think instead of instantly getting pissed, maybe I can come up with something that will help. If you're like this with your brothers, I'm not surprised they want to get a couple thousand miles away from you."

Given the little she knew about Finn in their thirty-second relationship, she half expected him to snarl at her, then disappear. Instead he surprised her by grinning.

The curve of his lips, the flash of teeth, wasn't anything unique, but it hit her in the stomach all the same. She felt as if all the air had rushed out of her lungs and she couldn't breathe. Seconds later, she'd managed to recover and told herself it was a momentary blip on her otherwise emotionally smooth radar. Nothing more than an anomaly. Like a sun spot.

"That's what they said," he admitted, returning to his seat with a sigh. "That they'd hoped being at college would be far enough away, but it wasn't." The grin faded. "Damn, this is hard."

She sat down and rested her hands on the table between them. "What do your parents say about all this?"

"I'm their parents."

"Oh." She swallowed, not sure what tragedy had brought that about. She would guess Finn was all of thirty, maybe thirty-two. "How long ago..."

"Eight years."

"You've been raising your brothers since they were... what? Twelve?"

"They were thirteen, but yes."

"Congratulations. You've done a good job."

The smile faded as he scowled at her. "How would you know that?"

"They made it into college, were successful enough to get to their final semester and now they're emotionally tough enough to stand up to you."

The scowl turned into a sneer. "Let me guess. You're one of those people who calls rain 'liquid sunshine.' If I'd done my job with my brothers, they would still be in college, instead of here, trying to get on some idiotic reality show."

There was that, Dakota thought. From Finn's perspective, nothing about this was good.

He shook his head. "I can't figure out where I went wrong. All I wanted was to get them through college and keep them safe. Three more months. They only needed to stay in school three more months. But could they do that? No. They even sent me an e-mail, telling me where they were—like I'd be happy for them."

She reached for the files on her desk. "What are their names?"

"Sasha and Stephen." His expression cleared. "Is there something you can do to help?"

"I don't know. As I said, I'm here representing the town. The producers came to us with the reality show idea. Believe me, Fool's Gold wasn't looking for this kind of publicity. We wanted to say no, but were concerned they would go ahead and do it anyway. This way, we're involved and hope to have some kind of control over the outcome."

She glanced at him and smiled. "Or at least the illusion of control."

"Trust me. It's not all it's cracked up to be."

"I'm getting that. All the potential contestants were vetted thoroughly, with background checks run. We insisted on that."

"Trying to avoid the truly insane?"

"Yes, and criminals. Reality television puts a lot of pressure on people."

"Why did the TV people come here if the town didn't want them?" he asked.

"It was just plain bad luck. A year ago a grad student writing her thesis on human geography discovered we had a chronic man shortage in town. The hows and whys became a chapter in her project. In an effort to bring attention to her work, she shopped her thesis around various media outlets, where the part about Fool's Gold was picked up."

He frowned. "I think I remember hearing about that. Didn't you get busloads of guys coming in from all over?"

"Unfortunately. Most of the reports made us sound like a town of desperate spinsters, which isn't true at all. A few weeks later, Hollywood came calling in the form of the reality show."

She flipped through the stack of applications of those who had made it to final selection. When she saw Sasha Andersson's picture, she winced. "Identical twins?" she asked.

"Yes, why?"

She pulled out Sasha's application and passed it to Finn. "He's adorable." The headshot showed a happy, smiling, younger version of Finn. "If he has a personality more exciting than that of a shoe, he's going to get on the show. What's not to like? Plus, if there are two of them..." She set down the folder. "Let me put it another way. If you were the producer, would you want them on the show?"

Finn dropped the paper. The woman—Dakota—had a point. His brothers were charming, funny and young enough to believe they were immortal. Irresistible to someone looking to pull in ratings.

"I'm not going to let them ruin their lives," he said flatly.

"The show is ten weeks of filming. College will still be there." Her voice was gentle and hinted at compassion. Her dark gaze was steady. She was pretty enough—had he been looking for that kind of thing. All he cared about right now was getting his brothers back to college.

"You think they'll want to go back after all this?" he demanded.

"I don't know. Have you asked them?"

"No." To date he'd only lectured and issued orders—both of which his brothers had ignored.

"Did they say why they wanted to be on this show?"

"Not specifically," he admitted. But he had a theory or two about their thinking. They wanted to be out of Alaska and away from him. Plus, Sasha had been dreaming of fame for a long time.

"Have they done this sort of thing before? Run off against your wishes, given up on school?"

"No. That's what I don't get. They're so close to being finished. Why couldn't they suck it up for one more semester?" It was the responsible thing to do.

Until now, Sasha and Stephen hadn't given him much grief. There'd been the usual driving too fast, a few parties with friends and plenty of girls. He'd sweated bullets waiting to hear one of his brothers had gotten a girl pregnant. But so far that hadn't happened. Maybe his thousands of lectures about using birth control had gotten through. So them wanting to leave college for a reality show had stunned him. He'd always figured they would at least finish school.

"They sound like great kids," Dakota said. "Maybe you should trust them."

"Maybe I should tie them up and throw them in the back of a plane headed for Alaska."

"You wouldn't like jail."

"They'd have to catch me first." He stood again. "Thanks for your time."

"I'm sorry I can't help."

"Me, too."

She rose and circled the table so she was standing in front of him. "To repeat a clich, if you love something, set it free."

He stared into her dark eyes. They were an interesting contrast to her wavy blond hair. "If it comes back, it was meant to?" He managed a smile. "No thanks. I fall into the 'if it doesn't, hunt it down and shoot it' category."

"Should I warn your brothers?"

"They already know."

"Sometimes you have to let people mess up."

"This is too important," he told her. "It's their future."

"The key word being their, not yours. Whatever happens here isn't unrecoverable."

"You don't know that."

She looked like she wanted to argue more. She wasn't a yeller, and he appreciated that. Her points were well thought out. But there was no way she could change his mind on this. Come hell or high water, he was getting his brothers out of Fool's Gold and back to college, where they belonged.

"Thanks for your time," he told her.

"You're welcome. I hope the three of you can come to terms." One corner of her mouth twitched. "Please remember we have a very efficient police force in town. Chief Barns doesn't take kindly to people breaking the law."

"I appreciate the warning."

Finn walked out of the small trailer. Filming or shooting or whatever they called it was due to start in two days. Which gave him less than forty-eight hours to come up with a plan to either convince his brothers to return to Alaska on their own or physically force them to do what he wanted.

For the past eight years, the three of them had been a team. Sure, he'd had to take on the role of both parents, but it had always been the Andersson boys against the world. What he didn't know was when that had changed. When had he become the enemy?

Chasing Perfect Almost Perfect Sister of the Bride Summer Brides Finding Perfect Only Mine Only Yours Only His Only Us Almost Summer Summer Days Summer Nights All Summer Long Fool's Gold Christmas, A Christmas Bride, A Halfway There Just One Kiss Two of a Kind Three Little Words Fool's Gold Cookbook Sweeter With You Christmas on 4th Street When We Met Before We Kiss Until We Touch Yours for Christmas All for You Hold Me Kiss Me Thrill Me Marry Me at Christmas Best of My Love Kiss in the Snow, A Fool's Gold Wedding, A

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