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#1 NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling Author



Susan Mallery

SUSAN MALLERY is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of novels about the relationships that shape women's lives—family, friendship, romance. Library Journal says, “Mallery is the master of blending emotionally believable characters in realistic situations," and readers seem to agree—40 million copies of her books have sold worldwide. Her warm, humorous stories make the world a happier place to live. She’s passionate about animal welfare, which shows in the many quirky animal characters she has created.

Susan grew up in California and now lives in Seattle with her husband and adorable poodle.

Susan's Media Page

Q. How can I get on your mailing list? I want to know when your romance novels and women’s fiction books are coming out.

Click here to subscribe for free. When you subscribe, you’ll be among the first to hear when I release a new romance novel or women’s fiction book, when I have a new series in the works, and when I’ll be in your area for a book signing. (That’s why I ask for your zip code.)

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Q. How did you feel the first time you saw a Susan Mallery romance novel on the New York Times bestselling list?

Overjoyed and humbled, all at the same time. The first time one of my romance novels appeared on the New York Times bestselling list was in 2008, a book called ACCIDENTALLY YOURS. When your name appears on a prestigious bestselling authors list such as the New York Times and the USA Today bestsellers lists, it means that lots of readers rushed out to buy your book the very first week it was released. My readers mean the world to me, and it’s always such an honor to know they’re that eager for my next book.

After four of my Fool's Gold books hit #2 on the New York Times bestsellers list (SUMMER NIGHTS, THREE LITTLE WORDS, HOLD ME, and KISS ME), I finally sidestepped the "always a bridesmaid" curse when THRILL ME debuted at #1 in August 2015. Pretty exciting to see my romance novel at the top of the bestsellers list! Years earlier, my friend Debbie Macomber had given me a bottle of champagne and told me to open it when I hit #1. (Not if, when.) I opened it the night I got the news, and I raised a toast to Debbie and to the wonderful readers who had helped me make this remarkable achievement.

Q. What's next for Susan Mallery?

I have two new books out in 2025, and I’m working on the second of two books for 2026 now. I love writing, and it’s the joy and honor of my life that readers are always eager for my next book. Thank you.

My first 2025 release is Beach Vibes, which centers around an intriguing question: What would you do if you caught your brother cheating on your best friend? The stories I write are considered relationship dramas, and so I’m always on the lookout for story ideas that put two good-hearted, well-intentioned people in conflict somehow, so we can join them on the journey from “what the heck just happened” to their happy ending. (My promise to my readers is that my books will always have a satisfying ending, so you’ll finish the last page with a happy sigh. But there will be lots of twists and turns along the way, and you won’t always be able to guess how that happy ending will look.)

I’m always nervous about how readers will respond to each given story, so I was thrilled when Library Journal gave Beach Vibes a starred review, an honor that has been given to only a few of my books. Library Journal said, "Believable, flawed protagonists; in this case, two women who are overcoming setbacks from their past, plus a lively cast of supporting characters. . . Multi-published Mallery is at her best here. This is a fast read that’s sure to delight her fans and provoke discussion for book clubs."

Beach Vibes will be out in March.

Otherwise Engaged, my November release, will appeal to readers who loved For the Love of Summer and The Vineyard at Painted Moon. It’s a complex and surprising story of two young women who discover they have a very unusual connection—when Shannon was born, her teen mom had planned to give her baby up for adoption to wealthy Ava, but changed her mind at the last second. Ava never recovered from the pain and shock of that moment, which bled into the life of the girl she did adopt, Victoria. The story starts when Shannon and Victoria are twenty-four years old and meet unexpectedly—with their moms—at a wedding venue.

Q. How can I get in touch with you?

There's a Contact form inside the Members Only area. I respond to reader mail once a month, so depending on when your email comes in, it might be a few weeks before you hear back from me. You can also send me a message via Facebook.

And if you’re on Facebook, I encourage you to join the Susan Mallery All Access group. All Access group members essentially get a backstage pass into the world of my writing. I share exclusive sneak peeks of and insights into the books I’m working on, often a year or more before the books are published! You’ll also get pictures and posts from my personal life, and exclusive monthly challenge giveaways.

Q. How did you get started writing romance and women's fiction novels?

From the time I was about thirteen, I loved reading romance novels. I had never thought about actually becoming a romance writer because I thought romance writers were exotic people who lived in France, wore black all the time and talked about things like dead philosophers and existentialism. While I was in college, I saw that a local adult education center was offering a class on "How to Write a Romance Novel." I signed up for that class and, the very same day, began writing my first romance novel.

The book was awful, but the class changed my life. It was 8 weeks long and I knew by week 6 that I wanted to make a career as a romance author. I stayed in school to complete my degree (in Accounting of all things) then walked away from a job offer to try my hand at romance writing. Fortunately, I sold fairly quickly. My first romance novel sold in August 1990 and was published in January 1992. From that point on, I’ve never wanted to be anything other than an author. Although I write more women’s fiction than romance novels these days, romance will always be a part of my books because I find falling in love to be endlessly fascinating and infinitely variable. Every couple has a different story and a different path to finding one another.

Q. Where do you get your ideas?

Ideas come from everywhere – conversations, articles. Songs are a great source of inspiration for me. I’m convinced that there’s a book in every country music song, but you might be surprised at the idea that comes from a song. For me, it’s not about the lyrics or the story of the song, as much as it is about the emotions.

So yes, ideas are everywhere, but the idea is merely a spark. The tough part is fanning that spark into flames, into a full-length women’s fiction novel. I’ve had a lot of ideas that weren’t good enough to sustain a book. I either have to reassign it as a subplot, or let it go. (That is so hard sometimes!)

The idea for Beach Vibes didn’t just come to me—I had to go searching for it. What I mean by that is that I knew I had a book to write for spring 2025, but at the moment, I didn’t have any strong ideas floating through my head. Nothing book-worthy. So I did some of the mental exercises I sometimes do to get my creative juices flowing: dark room, scented candles, music playing, and I let my mind wander. When I do that, I don’t let my mind wander just anywhere—it’s sort of a guided wandering. I wanted to write a story that explored what happens when loyalty to family is in conflict with loyalty to our friends, especially when the question is complicated by bad behavior.

I landed on the central question of the book: What would you do if you caught your brother cheating on your best friend? From there, piece by piece, I developed Beth and Jana, then raised the stakes by having Beth fall hard for Jana’s brother, too. So when Beth catches her brother cheating, not only is her friendship with Jana on the line, but so is her relationship with the love of her life.

The idea for Otherwise Engaged, on the other hand, popped into my head one day, as I wondered what it would feel like to find out that your mother almost gave you up for adoption. I wouldn’t say that the story almost wrote itself, but I will say that ideas were flying. I hope you’ll love the path I took.

Q. How long does it take you to write a romance novel or women’s fiction book, and do you write on a schedule?

The single title romance novels and women’s fiction books take about 3-4 months from start to finish. They are long with intricate plots and a lot of characters, which makes for a lot of writing…and rewriting. I do have a schedule. I'm slow in the beginning but after the first few chapters, I generally write about 15 pages a day. And I do plot out the whole story. I need to know what's going to happen before I can comfortably move ahead. This doesn't mean the characters don't get a vote. They frequently surprise me with their actions and dialogue. Then we all have to have a meeting and figure out what happens next!!

Because I write so many romance novels and women’s fiction books each year, it's important for me to have a plan of what I'll be working on next, then to stick to it. Being disciplined is as difficult as being creative, and just as important.

Q. Help! I'm looking for an older, out of print romance novel of yours. Which one is it and how do I buy it?

You can see a complete list of my books, in order of publication, listed by series here. Many of my women’s fiction books are available in print, so you can find them wherever books are for sale. If your local bookstore doesn’t have it, they should be able to order it for you, or you can definitely order it from websites like Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

Many of my older category romance novels have been reissued recently as ebooks and audiobooks. All of my books that are currently available in any format are listed on the Available Now page. Sign up for my mailing list so I can send you an email any time I release a new book. As for buying older category romance novels in print, that’s more challenging. Category romances such as Harlequin and Silhouette books have a very short shelf life. If there are no print links listed next to that book on the Available Now page, you’ll need to buy the ebook edition or look for a used copy if you must have it in print.
Q. I’m looking for a list of the Fool’s Gold series in order. Can you help?

You’ve come to the right place! All of my books are listed in order on my Printable Backlist. Or you can sign in to the Members Only area for a list that shows each series separately and in order. That’s particularly helpful with the Fool’s Gold romance novels because there are several novellas that are interspersed throughout the series. The list in the Members area shows all of the Fool’s Gold books in order, as well as Wishing Tree, Happily Inc, Mischief Bay, Blackberry Island, Hometown Heartbreakers, Desert Rogues, the Buchanans, the Marcelli Family, the Bakery Sisters and the Lone Star Sisters.

Q. Will you write a romance novel for (my favorite secondary character)?

Your first step should be to check my Freebies page, where I've posted a list of all of my heroes and heroines. You can look up the name of the character to see whether I've already written a book for him or her. (You'll find the name Rafe Stryker on the list twice. Different characters, same name—I don't know how I did that! Clearly the name stuck in my subconscious. So embarrassing!)

I never say never when it comes to writing stories for people who have made an appearance in my books. Many of the characters who’ve captured your imagination have also captured mine, and these people have a way of sticking with me so long that I finally surrender and give them a book of their own. I'm also very much influenced by my readers. I want to write books you love, so I want to hear your ideas! After my 2008 Bakery Sisters series, I heard from a reader who wanted a romance for Raoul, a troubled teen in SWEET SPOT. Raoul is the hero of FINDING PERFECT, the third book in the Fool’s Gold romance novels.

You see, I’m easily manipulated, both by characters and by readers. I succumb to pressure. My best advice to you if you want a romance novel or women’s fiction book for your favorite character is to visit the Members Only Contact Susan page to send me an email and let me know. I can’t make any promises, other than to assure you that I do listen and I do want to know which characters mean the most to you.
Q. I don't have an e-reader. How can I read your e-book exclusives?

Almost all of my books have been published in print, but the novellas are too short to print on their own. Most of these novellas have been printed in an anthology at one time or another. Look at the Novellas and Anthologies section of my Printable Backlist. When you see a book title followed by the ~ symbol and another title, that means the novella was printed in an anthology.

If you don't have an e-reader such as a Kindle or a Nook, you don't have to miss out on e-book exclusives! Several companies offer free software that will let you read e-books on your computer, tablet, or smart phone. Just do a Google search for "read ebooks on my [name of device]," and you should get several results. If you've enjoyed the free excerpts on my website or the short stories in the Members Only area, then you will probably enjoy reading e-book novellas on your computer. And hey, the software is free, so it's worth a shot!

Q. Are any of your books available in audio format?

Yes—lots. To see all of my available audiobooks, visit the Audiobooks page of my website. Each audiobook has links to make it easy for you to buy from Audible.com, Apple Books, Kobo audio, and Libro.fm.