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#1 NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling Author


OCTOBER 1, 2024

Posted November 30, 2022

Dear Reader,

In this newsletter:

• Susan’s Thanksgiving
• Thanksgiving in Home Sweet Christmas
• Cover reveal: The Happiness Plan
• How to get books as gifts

Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving as much as we enjoyed ours? Mr. Mallery and I spent time with family and ate a little too much. Now I’ll be happy not to see turkey again for about a year, other than perhaps some thin slices from the deli come summertime. I could never get tired of mashed potatoes, though.

Thanksgiving was a big moment in Home Sweet Christmas, so I thought it would be fun to share a little post-dinner snippet in this newsletter—a teaser for those who haven’t read the book yet and a lovely reminder for those who have.

She sat in one of the chairs. She was too full—which was how Thanksgivings were supposed to end—and very happy. Despite being around a bunch of adults, the twins had had a good time. Everyone had paid attention to them, and Dylan and Jake had kept the teens laughing throughout the meal.

“My sisters had a wonderful time today,” Camryn told Jake. “I’m grateful so I refuse to say anything bad about your mom.”

“I respect that. I’ll grumble for both of us.”

“Or maybe you can surrender to the inevitable and accept that she just might find you your one true love.”

His hazel gaze settled on her face. “Really? What are the odds of that?”

“Probably small, but depending on the size of the field, it could happen.” She sipped her wine and hoped he couldn’t tell she was smiling.

“Is the thought of my mother’s matchmaking still funny when I point out that for all we know, you’re still on the list?”

“I am still on the list,” she said smugly. “She asked River to investigate me. Well, not just me, but all the candidates. Apparently, there are several.”

He groaned. “Tell me you’re kidding.”

“Oh, Jake, we both know I’m not.”

He sighed heavily. “What am I going to do with her?”


With twinkling humor and heartfelt Christmas spirit, two friends find love in a town called Wishing Tree…

Until Camryn Neff can return to her “real” life in Chicago, she’s in Wishing Tree to care for her twin sisters. She’s not looking for forever love, not here. But handsome hotelier Jake Crane is a temptation she can’t resist, so she suggests they pair up for the season. No golden rings, no broken hearts. At his side, she sees her hometown through Christmas-colored eyes. The cheer is cheerier, the joy more joyful. She thought she had put her future on hold…but maybe her real life was here all along, waiting for her to come home.

New in town, River Best is charmed by Wishing Tree’s homespun traditions and warmhearted people. When she’s crowned Snow Queen, she’s honored but wary. Dylan Tucker, her king, seems like the stuff of sugarplum dreams, but she can’t shake the feeling that he’s hiding something big. As they perform their “royal” duties—tasting cookies, lighting trees—Dylan’s good humor and melty kisses draw her to the brink of love. But she can’t let herself fall until she uncovers his secret, even if her lack of faith means losing him forever.

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I’m thrilled to reveal the cover of my second book of 2023, The Happiness Plan, which will come out in June! (The first will be The Sister Effect in March.) This cover makes my heart sing—it’s perfect for the story and the title, and I just adore it.

Three women search for joy in #1 New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery’s new novel of hope, heartache, and the power of friendship.

Heather is happy . . . ish. She has a successful business, a cute but contemptuous cat, and best friends Daphne and Tori who know where she’s broken and love her anyway. So why does she feel crushed when her ex gets serious about someone new? No problem, she has a plan. More connections will hold her together while her world falls apart, so she finally reaches out to the stranger who might be her dad.

Daphne isn’t having an emotional affair, despite what her husband believes. He started the rift in their marriage when he said they weren’t ready for a baby. They used to be the closest couple she knew. Can they find their way back to one another before it’s too late?

When Tori forms an inconvenient crush on Daphne’s brother-in-law, she suppresses her feelings. Until her apartment floods, and she moves in with the dog-loving doctor. If things go wrong, she could lose her friends. . . but if they go right, she could lose her heart.


ORDER THE EBOOK: Kindle | NookApple BooksGoogle Play | Kobo




My next book, The Sister Effect, won’t be out until March, so my team has created a beautiful gift card PDF that you can print at home or at a local print shop. If you’re giving the book to someone you love, write in your name and present it to the recipient. If you’d like to receive The Sister Effect, simply leave the gift card blank and hand it to someone who loves you and asks what you’d like to receive.


My website has a pretty amazing feature that you won’t find on many other authors’ sites—maybe not on any: a gift registry! The people who love you want to give you something you’d love, so why not help them out by sending them a list of my books that you’d love to receive?

Here's how it works:

  1. Go to the Available Now page at susanmallery.com.
  2. Under the ACCESS: BOOK LIST FEATURE drop-down menu at the top of the page, select either MAKE NEW LIST or RETRIEVE LIST, depending on whether you’ve created a list in the past.
  3. Create or update your list by marking the books you would like to receive as gifts as “HAVEN’T READ.” Don’t forget to hit SAVE every couple of minutes to make sure you don’t lose your progress!
  4. Go back to the Available Now page. Under the MANAGE: GIFT REGISTRY drop-down menu, select READ INSTRUCTIONS and then just follow those instructions. Your loved one will receive an email with a list of my books that you want to read, so you can still be surprised by which one(s) they give you.

Wishing you the happiest December of your life so far!

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