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#1 NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling Author


OCTOBER 1, 2024

Posted August 3, 2023

Dear Reader,

I am so excited to reveal the title of my next new book, which will be out in February: The Summer Book Club! This is one of those rare books where the title came to me first, and the title inspired the story. Another book that came that way was Daughters of the Bride. These two books have something else in common, too—they’re both set in Los Lobos! But they’re only connected by setting, so you can jump right in with The Summer Book Club for a brand-new story.

I hope to have a cover to share with you in my next newsletter, so stay tuned!



This summer, three friends find the courage to step into the next chapter of their lives...

The rules of summer book club are simple:

  • No sad books
  • No pressure
  • Yessssss, wine!

Besties Laurel and Paris are excited to welcome Cassie to the group. This year, the book club is all about fill-your-heart reads, an escape from the chaos of the everyday—running a business, raising a family, juggling a hundred to-dos. Even the dog is demanding (but the bestest boy).

Since Laurel’s divorce, she feels like the Worst Mom Ever. Her skepticism of men may have scarred her vulnerable daughters. Cassie has an unfortunate habit of falling for ridiculous man-boys who dump her once she fixes them. Paris knows good men exist. She’s still reeling after chasing off the only one brave enough—and foolish enough—to marry her.

Inspired by the heroines who risk everything for fulfillment, Laurel, Paris and Cassie begin to take chances—big chances—in life, in love. Facing an unwritten chapter can be terrifying. But it can be exhilarating, too, if only they can find the courage to change.

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ADD TO GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/147966685-the-summer-book-club

I’m so curious to know how book clubs are operating today! If you’re a member of a book club that meets regularly, please take 10 minutes to fill out my Book Club Survey. Everyone who completes the survey will get an exclusive sneak peek at the first two chapters of The Summer Book Club – a full six months before its release! And you could also win a copy of Daughters of the Bride for every member of your club!

COMPLETE THE BOOK CLUB SURVEY: https://bit.ly/bookclub-survey



Earlier this month, I invited you to tell me some things you do to intentionally create happiness in your lives. No surprise, a lot of you turn to books! (That’s one of my go-tos, too.) Other common themes were connection, creativity, spirituality, exercise, and nature. Here are a few readers who inspired me and I hope might inspire you:

“Every Saturday and Sunday, I find time in my busy schedule to sit down, have a cup of tea and enjoy reading a romance book for about an hour. This makes me so happy to be able to escape the craziness of my daily life and enter a world where people struggle like all of us, but always find happiness and love in the end.” – Meg N.

“Bring my family together under one roof to cook, puzzle, swim, whatever.” – Monika K.

“I surround myself with animals!” – Angela B.

“I find happiness drinking my coffee in the morning by the window with my kitties as they watch live Squirrel TV.” – Kimberly A.

“Take line dance classes.” – Kathy C.

"I like to compliment people. It makes me happy to see them smile.” – Trisha M.

“Appreciate little things every day. My gratitude journal must be different every day to challenge myself to look in all areas of life for blessings and ordinary magic. I include people such as gas station attendants who were kind, places like the library and things like a new pen. I also list people who I made smile. Happiness is a decision is my life motto!” – Marjan P.

“Intentionally spend time with my adult kids who are both engaged to be married next year!” – Sonya V.

“I created a butterfly nursery in my backyard and releasing them back into the world makes me happy.” – Candi F.

“Practice wildlife photography. We are visited by a wide array of daily critter visitors. To be able to capture with the camera what the eye sees and then share it with others brings me great happiness.” – Kay G.

“Do one Random Act of Kindness each day—some big, some smaller, but they all are worth the time.” – Joanne M.

“Help my daughter take care of her two little guys. Those boys bring me joy on a daily basis.” – Ellen C.

“Girls’ weekends 2 times a year. 20+ years ago one of my coworkers lost her husband unexpectantly. We decided to do a shopping weekend to try to cheer her up a bit, invited the whole office, 6 of us girls were able to go and we laughed and laughed and bonded. We were friends before the trip but we had a great time, became BEST of friends and are still best of friends and now go away 2 times a year and have such a powerful bond. One has moved halfway across the country but comes back for the trips. They bring me happiness!” – Cindy D.

“I keep a list of book releases on my desk calendar so that I never miss a book by my favorite authors.” – Lisa W.

For Lisa and for everyone who turns to books to bring you happiness, here are my 2023 new releases, just in case you haven’t read them yet.


A few weeks from now, Suddenly This Summer will be released. This is an anthology with three heartwarming romances from me, Stephanie London and Synithia Williams. My story is a reissue of Say You’ll Stay, which is the very first Wishing Tree story, set during Christmas in July. It was previously available as an ebook novella and in this anthology will be in print for the first time.

Nothing is sweeter than the first kiss of summer…

Say You'll Stay by Susan Mallery

Shaye Harper has sworn off men for good. But when she meets army vet Lawson Easley during a pit stop on the road to a fresh start, she’s drawn in by the quirky town—and the handsome stranger she can’t resist. Lawson knows there’s no place better than Wishing Tree. Too bad the woman he's certain is “the one” is just passing through…unless he can convince her to give him and his hometown a chance at forever.

This Time for Keeps by Synithia Williams

Home to care for her ailing father, Michaela Spears is on a mission: reconcile with the one man she can’t forget. She broke his heart years ago, so when Khalil appears on her parents’ doorstep in his scrubs, she knows it’s her last chance. Khalil Davenport shouldn’t have taken the job as her dad’s home nurse, but he couldn't resist her. Their timing was never right, but now can he trust that she’s home to stay?

Best Man Next Door by Stefanie London

For Sage Nilsen, coming back to her small Massachusetts hometown for a family wedding feels like high school all over again. Except Jamie Hackett has gone from charming boy next door to handsome best man. And sparks are suddenly flying between the popular guy and the so-called outcast. As the wedding gets closer, Sage finds herself on the edge of something unexpected—a second chance in the town she left behind…with the guy she’s never forgotten.

ORDER IN PRINT: Amazon | B&N | Books a Million | Bookshop | Target | Walmart

ORDER THE EBOOK: Kindle | NookApple BooksGoogle Play | Kobo

Happy reading!

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